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Hong Kong's New Identity Politics: Longing for the Local in the Shadow of China
Routledge, 2020

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It is a case study in how the production of the desire for "the local" lies at the heart of global cultural economy. Perhaps more so than most places, the construction of a local identity in Hong Kong has come about through a complex interplay of neoliberalism, postcoloniality and reaction to the consequent anxieties and uncertainties. As its importance as an economic centre has diminished and its relationship with Mainland China has become more strained, its people have become more concerned to define a "Hong Kong" identity that can be defended from external threat. Ip analyses the working and reworking of power relations and modes of agency in this global city. 



「文化保育」的出現,是現代社會發展的結果,但絕不是「時移世易」那樣簡單,當中包括政治角力、政治經濟變動、社會及文化變革運動等。換言之,「當下」的變化影響著我們如何面對「過去」,不論是集體記憶、保存歷史建築,以及保護社區文化。 近年,我們可以看到在香港,以至中國與全球,「當下」正發生的一些變動,令我們與「過去」之間,出現了新的關係。








Info-Rhizome: Report on Independent Media in the Chinese-speaking World
Edited by Oi-wan Lam and Iam-chong Ip

It contains useful information for students and media researchers to have a quick overview of the media environment (regulation) and citizen initiatives in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Taiwan. All revenue generated from this book will be used to sustain and research publication on media activism.



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